Instrument List

The WOUDC data archive can be sorted by instrument. The instrument list includes the instrument type, name and model.

How to Use: Interactive Map

Panning: To pan the map, click and drag over the interactive map. Alternatively, Tab focus to the interactive map box and then press the arrow keys.

Zooming: To zoom in and out of the map, mouse scroll up and down while you mouse over the interactive map or click on the + and - buttons respectively. Alternatively, Tab focus to the interactive map box and then press the + or - keys. To zoom out to the maximum map extent, press the "zoom to globe" button.

How to Use: Interactive Table

Filtering: To filter the table, type in the search bars at the top of each column or the "search all" bar.

Sorting: To sort the table, click on the arrow symbols next to the column headings.

Paging: Change the "show entries" dropdown to change how many stations are displayed on the page. Click "next" or "previous" to show additional pages of the table.
